Main Control


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See also: Styling Assistants, Introduction to Styling, Controls, Layouts


A Main Control is a simple container control that is rendered using a <main> HTML tag. Its primary purpose is to act as a container for other controls which can be laid out according to the selected layout – click here for a general discussion on container controls and layouts.


A Main Control is functionally identical to a Panel Control and inherits all its properties and behaviour. The only difference is that it uses <main>  instead of <div> as the enclosing HTML tag.


The HTML <main> element represents the dominant content of a document. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document, or the central functionality of an application.


A Main Control is a landmark control that is used to represent the main content of each page. Normally there will be one and only one Main Control on each page. Ideally each control should be associated with a descriptive text – usually the page header text – which can then be read out using a screen reader. This can be done using the ARIA Label Text or ARIA Labelled By properties. See Designing Accessible Applications for more information.