List Hyperlink Control


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See also: Working with Lists, List Control


A List Hyperlink Control can only be used inside a List Control/List Item Control and represents a list item text displayed as a hyperlink. The parent List Item Control is rendered repeatedly for each item in the list configured on the containing List Control. So if we have a control hierarchy like this:



..and configure a Static List in the List Control’s properties, a list might be displayed something like this (styled as a Bootstrap Nav menu):



See Working with Lists for more information.


To process the user clicking on the hyperlink, add a script to this control’s on click event. You can then check which item has been clicked and take any appropriate action:


var sel = controls.LisHyp1.text.text;

switch (sel)


case "US Dollar":

          log("User clicked US Dollar");


      case "Euro":

          log("User clicked Euro");


      case "GB Pound":

          log("User clicked GB Pound");




A hyperlink is either external meaning that the link is to a URL outside of the current form, or internal meaning that the link should trigger an internal event. This is configured by property Link is external. When the link is configured as external, the hyperlink can be configured with properties External URL and Hyperlink target window; when the link is internal, the event scripts are configured with property On Click.


All hyperlinks will automatically have a hand cursor (cursor:pointer) and this does not have to be specified.

Properties and Styling

All properties and styling options are exactly the same as for a Hyperlink Control.