Interface SecurityHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultSecurityHandler, EbaseSecurityHandler

public interface SecurityHandler

Implementation of the workflow management system requires that an implementation be provided of this interface which allows the various methods in the external API to be secured for specific users.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void checkAllowable(Function function, Allowable target, java.lang.String caller)
          Check that the supplied function is allowable (using isAllowable) and throw a SecurityException if it is not allowable.
 SecurityExpressionComponent getSecurityExpressionComponent()
          Get the component to be used to display and edit security expressions in the designer
 boolean isAllowable(Function function, Allowable target, java.lang.String caller)
          Answer true if the designated function is allowed to be carried out on the supplied target by the defined caller
 boolean isVisibleTo(Allowable target, java.lang.String caller)
          Answer true if the designated caller is allowed to know of the existence of the given target

Method Detail


boolean isAllowable(Function function,
                    Allowable target,
                    java.lang.String caller)
                    throws WorkflowSecurityException
Answer true if the designated function is allowed to be carried out on the supplied target by the defined caller

function - The function to be carried out
target - The target of that function, or null if the target is essentially the entire WFMS
caller - The id of the user carrying out the defined function
true if the function is permitted
WorkflowSecurityException - if there is some exception that means the function cannot be allowed


void checkAllowable(Function function,
                    Allowable target,
                    java.lang.String caller)
                    throws WorkflowSecurityException
Check that the supplied function is allowable (using isAllowable) and throw a SecurityException if it is not allowable. This method is provided to simplify some of the repetitive code in the Workflow Manager



SecurityExpressionComponent getSecurityExpressionComponent()
Get the component to be used to display and edit security expressions in the designer


boolean isVisibleTo(Allowable target,
                    java.lang.String caller)
Answer true if the designated caller is allowed to know of the existence of the given target