HTML Control


Documentation home


Description. 1

Properties 1

HTML Text tab. 1

Hints and Tips 2

Problem: HTML is displayed as text in the WYSIWYG View. 2

Right Click Menu Actions 2

Appearance in Outline View. 2


See also: Text Control, Working With Texts, Controls, Layouts


An HTML Control can be used to hold any amount of HTML or XHTML content which will be inserted into the output page without amendment; any content that is valid within the BODY section of an HTML page can be inserted. This control is very similar to a Text Control, with the significant difference that multiple languages are not supported. Also, an HTML Control cannot be styled by using properties of the control; if styling is required, it should be included in the HTML content.


An HTML Control can contain form field variables which are dynamically substituted at runtime in the same way as for Text Controls; click here for details. In addition, the HTML content can be set from a script via the htmlText property e.g.



API based language (Javascript):

set HTML1.htmlText = '<strong>bold text</strong>';


controls.HTML1.htmlText.text = "<strong>bold text</strong>";



An HTML Control is created by dragging the HTML Control icon from the palette which then displays an input box for HTML content. Once created, the content can be changed by double clicking on the control as it appears in the WYSIWYG View or by clicking the … button adjacent to the Html Text property.


Note that the appearance of the control in the WYSIWYG View is entirely dependent on the content. If there is no visible content, the control will not be displayed and then can only be selected using the Outline View.


See also control common properties and local/inherited control properties.


HTML Text tab








The HTML content.






1 See accessing control properties from scripts


Hints and Tips


Problem: HTML is displayed as text in the WYSIWYG View

WARNING: the system renders the page as XHTML in the WYSIWYG View, and not all HTML content is considered valid within the XHTML standard. This can sometimes cause unexpected results when HTML content is added to a page. Click here for further information.

Right Click Menu Actions

Click here for right-click menu actions available to all controls.

There are no specific right click actions for this control.


Appearance in Outline View

An HTML Control is shown with the control name in brackets: