Studio Preferences


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General Tab. 1

UI Options Tab. 2

Form Options Tab. 3

Page Editor Tab. 4

Control Options Tab. 4

Proxy Options Tab. 5

Workflow tab. 5

Web Content tab. 6

Servers tab. 6

Privacy tab. 6

Debugger tab. 7



The Studio Preferences dialog is accessed from the main studio menu File -> Preferences and sets options and default values used throughout the studio application. It has the following tabs:


General Tab


Studio Instance Name: this name is displayed in the title bar at the top of the studio window and is used to prefix some of the studio preferences files saved in the properties folder. If you have multiple studio applications, this is a good way to distinguish between them.


Preferred language id: the default language used for the studio. This is the default language used for creating all texts and is also the default language used for form submission from the studio.


Preferred Script Language: sets the preferred server-side scripting language.


Default Presentation Template: the default template linked to all new forms and components. In addition, the project containing this template is automatically linked with all new projects.


Date Literal Format: the format that date literals are entered in the studio. This format applies to date literals entered as field default values or as URL parameters when testing forms. This parameter should have the same value as the Date Literal Format server property.


Browsers: supports the configuration of any number of browser clients. The browser can be selected when a form is run when the following option Display options panel when launching forms is checked.


Display options panel when launching forms: when checked, the system will present an additional panel when submitting forms from the studio; this panel supports the specification runtime language and browser.


          Show Getting Started page at startup: Shows the Resource Hub home page each time the studio is started.


Report unexpected errors: when checked, any errors in the studio will result in a popup window as shown below:




Click Show details to display the error.

Click Send Error Report to send the error to Ebase. Note that this requires internet access.

Uncheck Report unexpected errors to suppress display of this dialog. Check this option if this dialog is showing repeatedly.


Folders excluded from the workspace: any folders with these names are ignored inside the workspace. The default is .svn, .cvs, .git. The corresponding server property should also be configured with the same values Server Admin App – Workspace Properties.


UI Options Tab


Look and feel : sets the look and file for the entire studio. The list of options shown depends to some extent on the version of Java used, but may include:



System supplied look and feel (from Jgoodies)


Java default look and feel


Nimbus look and feel introduced with Java 6


Look and feel compatible with XWindows


Windows compatible look and feel

Windows Classic

Windows Classic compatible look and feel (this option may not be visible depending on OS)


Override default fonts: enables font name and size to be entered below.


Name: the font used by the studio


Size: the font size used by the studio


Tooltip timing parameters:


Initial delay time (ms): the number of milliseconds to delay (after the cursor has paused) before displaying the tooltip.

Dismiss time (ms): the number of milliseconds to delay before taking away a tooltip.

Reshow time (ms): the number of milliseconds before the user has to wait initialDelay milliseconds before a tooltip will be shown. That is, if the tooltip is hidden, and the user moves into a region of the same Component that has a valid tooltip within the reshowDelay number of milliseconds the tooltip will immediately be shown. Otherwise, if the user moves into a region with a valid tooltip after the reshowDelay number of milliseconds, the user will have to wait an additional initialDelay milliseconds before the tooltip is shown again.


Script Dialog Font: the font name and size of the font used by the script editor


Debug Window Font: the font name and size of the font used to display the form execution log


Form Options Tab


New Form Defaults: sets default values for form options specified in form properties.


Html Document Type: see Html Document Type in Form Properties


Html Form Tag Position: see Html Form Tag Position in Form Properties


Browser Back Button Support: see Browser Back Button Support in Form Properties


Use Ajax communication to the server by default: see Using Ajax in Form Properties


            PDF Printing


                   Printing Options


PDF Engine:   Select the PDF Engine used to print out the PDF document. By selecting this it changes the print view between wkhtmltopdf and flying saucer view. The flying saucer PDF engine is legacy and support HTML4 and CSS2. This property only changes studio view and does not change the server runtime PDF engine.


Legacy Print Form Defaults: these options provide defaults that apply only to the use of legacy print forms.


Page orientation: the page orientation used for all newly created print forms. This can be overridden at the individual print form level or at the print page level.


Page size: the page size used for all newly created print forms. This can be overridden at the individual print form level or at the print page level. 



Page Editor Tab


Zoom Options

Edit the zoom options displayed in the Form Editor WYSIWYG View.


·         To add a new entry, click the  button.

·         To delete an entry, select it then click the  button.

·         To edit an existing entry, double click on it.        


Entries must be numeric and end with %.


Screen Resolutions

Edit the available screen resolutions and give a meaningful device name. These are displayed in the Form Editor WYSIWYG View.


·         To add a new entry, click the  button.

·         To delete an entry, select it then click the  button.

·         To edit an existing entry, either click the  icon or double click on it. 


When editing or adding a new entry the properties are as follows:


Name: The name of the device

Width: Screen width

Height: Screen height

User Agent: The user agent string for the device. For example iPhone X - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1.This can be null.

Show device: whether to show the device in the Form Editor WYSIWYG View.


Devices in the list that are shown in bold font cannot be edited or removed.


To show or hide a device from the Form Editor WYSIWYG View then select the Show Device checkbox in the devices table.



Add following controls to new pages


Select any controls that should be automatically added to new form pages:


·         Page Panel Control – contains page level header and trailer texts.

·         Page Navigation Panel Control – contains legacy page sequencing buttons and save restore buttons


Compatibility note!: adding both these controls provides equivalent functionality to Ebase Version 3.4 and earlier.


Control Options Tab


When adding a control to a page:


Link to the Presentation Template’s default Property Set: when this option is checked, each new control added to a page will be automatically linked to the control’s default Property Set, if specified, in the Presentation Template. When this option is not checked, the default Property Set, if specified is loaded. See Property Sets for more information on linking vs. loading.




Enable Property Set linking: when this option is checked, controls within components can be styled by linking them with a Property Set in the associated Presentation Template. When the component is inserted/deployed to a form, the linkage to the Property Set is maintained: the developer should ensure that a Property Set with the same name is available in the form environment or any styling will be lost. When this option is not checked, the linking option is not available when designing a component. See Property Sets for more information on linking vs. loading.


Proxy Options Tab


This tab allows specification of a proxy server to be used for all Http connections made from the Studio. This includes connection to the server and the import of wsdl and xsd files in the Web Services and XML resource respectively. The corresponding proxy settings for the Server are configured using server properties Proxy Settings.


Host: host name or ip address of the proxy server

Port: port of the proxy server (defaults to 80 if not specified)

Proxy: requires authentication: check this to enable the username and password fields

Username: user name for proxy authentication

Password/Confirm password: password for proxy authentication

Non proxy hosts: hostname or ip address of any servers which should not be routed through the proxy, multiple hostnames/ip addresses should be separated by a | character. When a proxy has been configured but the studio is using a test server on the same host, it may be necessary to enter ”localhost|” in this field to exclude localhost from the proxy. If configured, this property overrides any –Dhttp.nonProxyHosts property on the Java command used to start the studio.



Workflow tab


Workflow Assignment Handler: this specifies the class name of the implemented workflow assignment handler. In most cases this will be the default assignment handler provided with the system com.ebasetech.ufs.xi.workflow.XIAssignmentHandler. The assignment handler is used in the studio to display the Custom Assignment panel within the Resources tab of a workflow interactive task’s properties.


The value specified here must match the configuration of server property Assignment Handler in the file.


Click here for more details on assignment handlers in general.


Workflow Security Handler: this specifies the class name of the implemented workflow security handler. In most cases this will be the default security handler provided with the system EbaseSecurityHandler. The security handler is used in the studio to display the the Security tab of a workflow process or node properties.


Two workflow security handlers are shipped with the distributed system and can be configured here:


· EbaseSecurityHandler: provides minimal security checking– all users are allowed to create new workflow jobs and display a task list without any security check. In addition if a workflow process or node does not have a security expression configured, all other actions are also allowed.

· EbaseStrictSecurityHandler: provides a higher level of security checking - all users are allowed to create new workflow jobs without any security check, but all other actions require security authorization.


The value specified here must match the configuration of server property Security Handler in the file.


Workflow Activity Types: this is a comma delimited list of class names for supported workflow activity types. The default values should not normally be changed. Any custom activity classes must also be added to the classpath of the server



Web Content tab


Editors: this associates web resource file types for files within the workspace with the various editors provided by the system. If a file type is not found in this list, the system will attempt to open it with the default text editor. Note that image types do not need to be added to this list and image files will be opened using the read only Image Displayer.


Servers tab


This tab allows you to configure all the servers which the studio can connect or deploy to. Once configured, you can select which server you want to use as the studio’s test server using the server selection dropdown in the top right of the studio window. The test server is used as the default server for running forms and testing web services and workflow processes. It’s also used when debugging server-side Javascript scripts. 


See Server Configuration


Privacy tab


Keep me logged into my cloud account: When checked, the system will remember your authentication details to the Cloud Portal. These are saved in the cloud.conf file in the /Verjio/.Studio/properties folder in the user home file system. Deleting this file will result in a re-prompt of the Cloud Portal signon.



Debugger tab


This tab allows you to configure the interactive script debugger options.




Maximum value length: sets the maximum number of characters retrieved from the server for each variable, field and table field values. This is to limit the size of the characters returned from the serbrt for optimization and memory purposes. The default is set to 100 characters.




Maximum variables to show: sets the maximum number of variables retrieved from the server. The default is set to 100 variables.

Show proto: when checked, prototype objects (displayed as _proto) are displayed for each object. The default is checked.

Show parent: when checked, parent objects (displayed as _parent) are displayed for each object. The default is checked.

Show functions: when checked, functions are displayed. The default is unchecked.

Show const: when checked, any constants (defined with the const keyword) are displayed. The default is checked.




            Row limit: sets the maximum number of rows to retrieve from the server. The default is set to 100 rows.

            Column limit: sets the maximum number of columns to retrieve from the server. The default is 20 columns.

            Track current row: check this to track the current row of the table. The current row is highlighted in yellow.