Interface WorkflowManagement.JobDescriptor

Enclosing interface:

public static interface WorkflowManagement.JobDescriptor
Implementations of this interface provide information about a Job in the system
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.util.Date getCreationDate()
    Answer the time of creation of the task enactment
    java.lang.String getDescription()
    The description of the process
    java.lang.String getIdentifier()
    Answer a unique string handle for this descriptor
    java.util.Date getModificationDate()
    Answer the time of most recent modification of the task enactment
    java.lang.String getOpener()
    resource who opened this job
    java.lang.String getOwner()
    Resource who is currently responsible for this job
    int getParentJobSequence()
    If this is a sub process, this answers the sequence number of the parent process
    java.lang.String getParentProcessName()
    If this is a sub process, this answers the name of the parent process
    int getParentProcessVersion()
    If this is a sub process, this answers the version of the parent process
    java.lang.String getProcessName()
    Answer the name of the process of which this job is an enactment
    int getProcessVersion()
    Answer the version number of the process of which this is an enactment
    int getSequence()
    Answer the sequence number of the job
    boolean isCompleted()
    Answers whether the job has completed or not
  • Method Details

    • getProcessName

      java.lang.String getProcessName()
      Answer the name of the process of which this job is an enactment
    • getProcessVersion

      int getProcessVersion()
      Answer the version number of the process of which this is an enactment
    • getSequence

      int getSequence()
      Answer the sequence number of the job
    • getIdentifier

      java.lang.String getIdentifier()
      Answer a unique string handle for this descriptor
    • getCreationDate

      java.util.Date getCreationDate()
      Answer the time of creation of the task enactment
    • getModificationDate

      java.util.Date getModificationDate()
      Answer the time of most recent modification of the task enactment
    • getOwner

      java.lang.String getOwner()
      Resource who is currently responsible for this job
    • getOpener

      java.lang.String getOpener()
      resource who opened this job
    • getParentProcessName

      java.lang.String getParentProcessName()
      If this is a sub process, this answers the name of the parent process
    • getParentProcessVersion

      int getParentProcessVersion()
      If this is a sub process, this answers the version of the parent process
    • getParentJobSequence

      int getParentJobSequence()
      If this is a sub process, this answers the sequence number of the parent process
    • getDescription

      java.lang.String getDescription()
      The description of the process
    • isCompleted

      boolean isCompleted()
      Answers whether the job has completed or not