Interface Audit

public interface Audit
Interface defining the contents of an audit record, as returned by the WorkflowManager
See Also:
WorkflowManagement.getFilteredAuditRecords(String, String, String, Integer, String, String, String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, String, String)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getCaller()
    Answer the caller string given to the API method that ultimately causes this audit record to be created
    int getJobSequence()
    Answer the sequence number of the job associated with an audir record
    int getLevel()
    Ge the level of this record
    long getLogged()
    Answer the epoch that relates to the receiver's creation time
    java.lang.String getMessage()
    Answer the message in the audit record
    int getNodeEnactmentSequence()
    Answer the sequence number of the node enactment associated with an audir record
    java.lang.String getProcessName()
    Answer the name of the process associated with an audir record
    int getProcessVersion()
    Answer the version of the process associated with an audir record
    java.lang.String getReason()
    Answer the reason given to the API method that ultimately causes this audit record to be created
    java.lang.String getSource()
    Answer a test string describing the source of the audit record
  • Method Details

    • getProcessName

      java.lang.String getProcessName()
      Answer the name of the process associated with an audir record
    • getProcessVersion

      int getProcessVersion()
      Answer the version of the process associated with an audir record
    • getJobSequence

      int getJobSequence()
      Answer the sequence number of the job associated with an audir record
    • getNodeEnactmentSequence

      int getNodeEnactmentSequence()
      Answer the sequence number of the node enactment associated with an audir record
    • getLogged

      long getLogged()
      Answer the epoch that relates to the receiver's creation time
    • getSource

      java.lang.String getSource()
      Answer a test string describing the source of the audit record
    • getMessage

      java.lang.String getMessage()
      Answer the message in the audit record
    • getReason

      java.lang.String getReason()
      Answer the reason given to the API method that ultimately causes this audit record to be created
      See Also:
    • getCaller

      java.lang.String getCaller()
      Answer the caller string given to the API method that ultimately causes this audit record to be created
      See Also:
    • getLevel

      int getLevel()
      Ge the level of this record