Interface SystemPreferences

public interface SystemPreferences
The SystemPreferences interface provides access to some of the system preferences configured via Tools > System Preferences.

System Preferences are accessed using EbaseSystem.getPreferences().

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean isUseJavascript()
    Returns false if the Do not use Javascript option is checked in System Preferences (see Tools > System Prefences > Accessibility), otherwise returns true.
    boolean isUsePopups()
    Returns false if the Do not popup new windows option is checked in System Preferences (see Tools > System Prefences > Accessibility), otherwise returns true.
  • Method Details

    • isUseJavascript

      boolean isUseJavascript()
      Returns false if the Do not use Javascript option is checked in System Preferences (see Tools > System Prefences > Accessibility), otherwise returns true. When set to false, no Javascript will be used on the client; when set to true, Javascript will be used so long as it is supported by the client browser. To check whether Javascript is currently in use on the client, use method Client.isJavascriptUsed().
    • isUsePopups

      boolean isUsePopups()
      Returns false if the Do not popup new windows option is checked in System Preferences (see Tools > System Prefences > Accessibility), otherwise returns true.

      When set to false, popup help windows and windows used for the save/restore feature are displayed in the existing form browser window, and a return button is added to enable the user to return to the form window.
