Interface TableRow

public interface TableRow
This represents a row in a table. A TableRow is obtained from a TableDataInterface object using the createNewRow() factory method.
Note: The ordering of cells in a row is not assumed.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId, java.lang.Object value)
    Adds a TableCell to this row.
    TableCell getCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId)
    Returns the TableCell object for the given sourceFieldId.
    java.lang.Object getObject()
    get stored object from row
    int getRowChangeStatus()
    Returns the change status of this row.
    java.util.Iterator getTableCells()
    Returns an iterator over a collection of the TableCell objects in this row.
    int getUniqueIdentifier()
    Gets the unique identifier that is associated with this TableRow.
    boolean isRowChanged()
    Returns true if the the row has been deleted, inserted or updated during the update in question.
    void removeCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId)
    Removes a cell from this row.
    void setObject​(java.lang.Object o)
    Allow seting of object onto the Table Row Allow Custom Source to store an object to uniquely identify object
  • Method Details

    • getTableCells

      java.util.Iterator getTableCells()
      Returns an iterator over a collection of the TableCell objects in this row.
    • getRowChangeStatus

      int getRowChangeStatus()
      Returns the change status of this row. This may take one of the TableRowChangeStatus values which are: UNCHANGED, INSERTED, DELETED, UPDATED.
    • isRowChanged

      boolean isRowChanged()
      Returns true if the the row has been deleted, inserted or updated during the update in question.
    • addCell

      void addCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId, java.lang.Object value) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Adds a TableCell to this row. The cell ordering in the row is not assumed. Cells may be added in any order. UFS will use the sourceFieldId to assign cells to table columns.
      sourceFieldId - identifier of the field as defined for this resource.
      value - value associated with this cell.
    • removeCell

      void removeCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId)
      Removes a cell from this row.
      sourceFieldId - identifier of the field as defined for this resource.
    • getCell

      TableCell getCell​(java.lang.String sourceFieldId)
      Returns the TableCell object for the given sourceFieldId.
      sourceFieldId - identifier of the field as defined for this resource.
    • getUniqueIdentifier

      int getUniqueIdentifier()
      Gets the unique identifier that is associated with this TableRow. The unique identifier is a number that uniquely identifies each table row for the duration of each form execution. It is set when the row is created, either by fetchtable or by row insertion, and is unaffected by subsequent table sorts, row deletion or updatetable requests. Rows can be retrieved by their unique identifier using method getTableRow() on TableDataInterface.
      integer associated with this row
    • setObject

      void setObject​(java.lang.Object o)
      Allow seting of object onto the Table Row Allow Custom Source to store an object to uniquely identify object
      o -
    • getObject

      java.lang.Object getObject()
      get stored object from row
      stored object from row