Working with Integration Scripts

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Integration Scripts 1

Working with Integration Scripts 1

Integration Service Tables and Forms 3

Error handling. 3

Web Service Specific System Variables 3


See Also: Integration Server, Integration Services, Integration Resources

Integration Scripts

Integration scripts are the same as scripts used when creating Forms and can be coded in any of the supported server side languages. See Working with FPL Scripts, Javsacript script editor. Any script statements that operate on web pages or controls are not supported in an Integration Script – as an Integration Service has no pages.

Working with Integration Scripts

An Integration Script can be created in the tree: New > Script.




For FPL scripts, see Working with FPL Scripts for further details of using this dialog, and FPL Script syntax for further details on the scripting language. 

For Javascript scripts, see Javsacript script editor for further details of using this dialog, and Javascript Developer’s Guide for further details on the scripting language. 

Integration Service Tables and Forms

It is possible to call other scripts from Integration Scripts using the FPL callscript command. This can be used to call a script in any programming language.


FPL command fetchtable or API method Table.fetchTable() must be called from an Integration Script to read the contents of a table from an Integration Resource.

FPL command updatetable or API method Table.updateTable() must be called from in an Integration Script to write the contents of a table back to an Integration Resource.

Error handling

SOAP faults are generated automatically by the system when an Integration Service fails. Either a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 fault is generated, depending on the protocol used by the client.  See Integration Server Error Handling for additional information regarding Integration Server error handling.

Web Service Specific System Variables

 There are two Integration System Variables available to Integration Scripts:


         $WEB_SERVICE_OPERATION: This System Variable is set when an incoming request comes in for a specific Web Service call setting the operation name that has been invoked for that particular web service call.


When using an API language, the operation name is also available using form.webServiceOperationName.


         $INTEGRATION_CALL_SOURCE: This System Variable is set depending on how the Integration Service was called. There are four possible values :

o        Web

o        Designer

o        Form

o        Schedule (set from scheduled task or ebasetrigger)