Add Table


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This function is available form the Tables View by selecting create new table. The following dialog is displayed:


Add a table




Table Name: name of the new table

Table Column Prefix: a unique prefix name which is applied to all subsequently added table column names. When a Table Name is entered, the prefix is initially set with the same value. Subsequently, the prefix can be changed independently of the Table Name. When columns are added to the table, the column name is automatically prepended with the Table Columns Prefix plus a hyphen character. When a table column is referenced (such as in a script), the full name including the prefix should be used.

Resource: the resource to be used as a backing resource for the table. Selecting a resource sets the Table Name with the same value if a name has not already been entered. The dropdown list shows all resources in the Resources View which support tables, and which are not already used by other tables. A database table resource can only be used by one table in the form. A table can only be associated with one resource. 

Resource repeating field: some resource types support multiple tables e.g. XML Resources, Web Services Resources, or Custom Resources. Select the appropriate table from the dropdown.


Adding columns to the table

Three ways are provided to add columns to the table under the heading Table columns:



These three methods can be used in combination.


To copy existing fields, click the Copy existing fields button. A dialog box appears that will contain existing fields and table columns. When a table column is selected, the original table prefix is removed.


To create a new column, click the Create new columns button.


To import columns from a resource, click the Import columns from resource button, then select the required resource fields from the pop-up dialog box. This will include the selected resource fields as columns and also create mappings between each table column and the resource field.


The Mapped to resource column is provided for information.