SCSS Editor


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Introduction. 1

Editor 1

Code View. 2

Code View Toolbar 2

Imports View. 2

Compiler View. 3



See also: Presentation Templates, How Style is Applied, CSS Class and Style Properties, Working With Web Resources, Using SCSS Files



The SCSS Editor is displayed whenever an existing SCSS file is opened or a new SCSS is created. It allows you to create a SCSS pre-processed file consisting logic to generate a CSS file.

See Using SCSS Files for information on how to generate CSS from SCSS files. The CSS output from the SCSS file is used in exactly the same was as using a Style Sheet. See How Style is Applied for more information regarding Style Sheets.



The editor has three views panels. There is the main Code View, Imports View and Compiler View.



Code View

The code view shows the SCSS file in a text editor. Code assist is available using Ctrl+space. To test whether the SCSS file is valid, click the Validate icon  in the toolbar. This will compile the SCSS code and display an error if there is an error in the Compiler View.


Click on the Preview CSS icon  to view the generated CSS content. If there is an error in the SCSS file then an error will be displayed to state that it cannot generate a CSS preview.


Code View Toolbar


The toolbar provides the following functions:


Compile the SCSS file

Preview the generated CSS content

Undo typed text

Redo typed text.


Imports View


The imports view shows links to all the imported files in the main Code View using @import directive. Click on the link to open the SCSS file. This will open a new SCSS Editor to the linked file.


If there is an error compiling the SCSS file then the imports cannot be computed and shows an error message to correct any errors.


Compiler View


The compiler view show an error messages if SCSS file cannot compile. The SCSS file is compiled when the SCSS editor is first opened and when you click the  icon in the toolbar.


If there are no errors then the message “No Compiler Errors Found” is displayed.


If there is an error in the SCSS file then a message is displayed stating the location of the error. Click on the error to go to the location of the error.



If there is an error in one of the imported files using the @import directive, click on the error and this will open the SCSS file in a new editor, setting the cursor at the correct location.



The compiler view can only show one error at a time.