Setting Installation Preferences

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See also:  Configuring the Studio, Color selection


This document describes how to change the list of standard fonts and standard colors offered in the Studio.


Installation preferences can be set by editing the installation preferences XML file preferences/installation_preferences.xml within the studio file system.


The following preferences can be set:


  • The list of fonts that can be selected using the studio
  • The list of standard colors that can be selected using the studio


The supplied XML file is shown below. When changes are made, the studio should be re-started to see the changes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<document type="InstallationPreferences">



<!-- The following fonts are available in the studio whenever a font selection is available. This list can be modified or extended as required. -->   



      <font>Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</font>

        <font>"Arial Black", sans-serif</font>


        <font>"Courier New", Courier, monospace</font>


        <font>Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</font>

        <font>Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif</font>




        <font>Tahoma, sans-serif</font>

        <font>"Times New Roman", Times, serif</font>

        <font>Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</font>



<!-- The following colors appear in the studio as "standard colors" whenever a color choice is available. The supplied colors include all browser-safe colors. This list can be modified or extended as required. -->














     .. more colors







